Technology Addiction Treatment

Three Mindfulness Tips To Foster Life Balance In An Unbalanced World

“Every moment only once.” -Thich Nhat Hanh “Every moment only once.” I love these words by Thich Nhat Hanh, a monk, a spiritual leader, poet and peace activist who is renown for his teachings and writings on mindfulness and peace. Some of Thich Nhat Hahn’s key teachings are that the practice of mindfulness helps tether [...]

Resist The Rabbit Hole Of Your Smart Phone

I recently wrote an article for the Huffington Post called “Start Looking Up Instead Of Down: Three simple tips to help you unplug and mindfully engage.” The post details how obsessed people have become with their smart phones and other mobile devices and the impact that the overuse and abuse of technology is having on [...]

The Thin Line Between Work and Home Life – 5 ways to reclaim your life balance

  We’ve all been guilty of thinking about work while at home. And then there are those of us—many of us—who actually take work home, for real, through our mobile devices. With the ability to always be connected, it can become harder to justify unplugging from work and really engaging with the world around us, [...]

By |2017-04-07T11:42:15+00:00August 4th, 2016|Technology Addiction Treatment|0 Comments
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